Christian School
Educating for Life
From Basement to Bustling Building
Our Approach
One of the problems common to many of our kids is difficulty in school. This difficulty can be academic, social (running with the wrong crowd), behavioral, or (typically) all of these in combination. Furthermore, many of the specific “trouble” items like alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are readily available in the public school system. In response to these problems, in 1984 we began our own school. Our school has grown from a single classroom in a small basement to a three-level building with a capacity of up to seven classrooms and 100 students.
The classes range from the basic core subjects right up through Accounting and Computer Science. Of course, Bible classes are strongly emphasized, and the students go to chapel three times a week. P.E. is held in the gymnasium, the swimming pool, the archery range, and the softball field. Shop classes are taught in our Wood and Metal shop.
Many of our graduates are accepted at colleges, universities, and bible colleges all across the country. One of our students was even awarded a full-ride scholarship at a state university.
The most important fact about the school is that it provides consistency for the kids. What is taught in the home is reinforced at school. Without the conflicting signals that often exist between the home and the school, young people can respond more quickly to God’s leading in their lives.